Eleanor Loaring - violin & viola


Upcoming Events in 2011

Sunday 3rd

Ellie will be performing a short viola solo recital at The Curve Bar (Colchester), as part of the Colchester Classical Performers Club. Do come along and support Colchester musical talent! Entry £5, 7:30pm.  


Wednesday 8th
Ellie is giving a 40-minute viola recital at
Long Melford Church. Accompanied by Peter Dollimore, Ellie will perform works by Frank Bridge, Rebecca Clarke and Vaughan Williams. This will be a lovely programme of English Music for a Summer's Day. Concert begins at 1pm.  


Wednesday 6th - Saturday 9th

Ellie will be performing with the Camulos Quartet at Castle House
in Dedham for four nights. They will be working alongside the Dedham Players for their open air theatre performance. Belinda and Ellie will play for an hour, whilst the audience enjoy their pre-show picnic in the beautiful grounds of Sir Alfred Munning's Art Museum. Let's hope it doesn't rain!